Take The Pledge
"As a Professional Loan Officer, I hereby pledge to educate my clients on the value of high-level real estate representation and to encourage my clients to utilize realtors who will serve their best interests with complete transparency and disclosure. I will inform my clients that it is imperative to work with a real estate professional who can tailor their home search to what they feel is in the best interest of the client. Furthermore, I will encourage members of the real estate community to educate their clients on the value of cooperative compensation. Sellers who offer cooperative compensation based on the advocacy of their listing agent provide my lending clients the ability to achieve homeownership in the simplest way possible. As a lender, I understand the true value cooperative compensation brings to the marketplace and the value it provides to our clients when purchasing a home. I pledge to our real estate community that I will be a lender who helps our clients achieve the dream of home ownership through education and guidance by recommending real estate professionals who understand the true meaning of this pledge."