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Take The Pledge

"As a Managing Broker, I hereby pledge to provide all of our real estate clients with complete transparency and full disclosure throughout the buying and selling process. As a managing broker, I also pledge to educate our agents on the importance of having upfront conversations with our clients regarding a buyer-broker agreement. Having these discussions upfront will allow our clients to have a better understanding of how our agents are compensated for their time and effort throughout the buying process. Furthermore, I will also continue to educate our selling agents on the importance of sellers offering cooperative compensation. Offering cooperative compensation allows our agents to market a property with the highest chance for success by allowing potential buyers the ability to purchase without having to pay for representation out of pocket. While the choice is ultimately up to the seller, offering cooperative compensation will allow my agents the ability to attract more buyers, especially those who do not wish to pay out of pocket for representation services. This allows my agents to potentially work with more buyer’s agents, thus allowing our selling clients the greatest opportunity for success. Lastly, I agree that not offering cooperative compensation may put my agents in a position where buyers will ask for representation from the selling agent, which does not serve the best interest of either party. By educating my agents on this risk, they will fully understand that when signing a listing agreement their responsibility is to the seller and that assuming the risk of representing both buyer and seller in negotiations may result in unintended consequences. I believe that cooperative compensation in a real estate transaction is in the best interest of all parties involved."

Complete Your Pledge